How to Build a Robust IEP


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How to Build a Robust IEP

About Course

IEPs are large, complex documents with a lot of moving parts.

We take an in-depth look at some of the most important components of an IEP and how you can improve your child's outcomes.


  • understanding IEP evaluations
  • how to write IEP goals
  • IEP progress monitoring
  • preschool to kindergarten transition
  • Homework Considerations for an IEP
  • assistive technology and your IEP

Course content

videoUnderstanding IEP Evaluations Start
videoHow to Write IEP Goals Start
videoHow to Write IEP Goals PDF Start
videoIEP Progress Monitoring Start
videoPreschool to Kindergarten Transition Start
videoHomework: Considerations for IEP Students Start
videoHomework and Special Considerations PDF Start
videoAssistive Technology and Your IEP Start
videoWATI ebook PDF Start
Lisa Lightner

Lisa Lightner

Course Instructor