
IEP Toolkit for Parents
Lisa LightnerLisa Lightner

IEP Toolkit for Parents

A complete online library of printable and downloadable resources that gives you the tools to become an empowered and organized parent advocate for your child. Avoid costly, frustrating, time-consumin

$ 39
Understanding IEP Data Collection
Lisa LightnerLisa Lightner

Understanding IEP Data Collection

Want to feel confident in discussing IEP data at the IEP meeting? What emotions does the word “data” evoke for you? For most parents, it equals a headache, confusion and frustration.But, understanding

$ 19
IEP Considerations
Lisa LightnerLisa Lightner

IEP Considerations

IEPs are usually large, complex documents with a lot of parts.In this course, we break down and do some in-depth examination of some of the components that are part of or surround an IEP.Behavior, inc

$ 49
How to Build a Robust IEP
Lisa LightnerLisa Lightner

How to Build a Robust IEP

IEPs are large, complex documents with a lot of moving parts.We take an in-depth look at some of the most important components of an IEP and how you can improve your child's outcomes.Includes:understa

$ 59
Navigating IEP Transition for Parents
Lisa LightnerLisa Lightner

Navigating IEP Transition for Parents

Does the thought of IEP transition and adulthood make you anxious? It can. I mean...we want our kids to maximize their potential. And, have meaningful lives as adults. Take control of your child's out

$ 59
Understanding IDEA and Your Parental Rights
Lisa LightnerLisa Lightner

Understanding IDEA and Your Parental Rights

Parents and students have a lot of rights in the IEP process. But, they're meaningless if you don't know what they are and how to use them.In this course, you will receive information and training on:

$ 69
Becoming a Professional Special Education Advocate
Lisa LightnerLisa Lightner

Becoming a Professional Special Education Advocate

If you are a working or volunteer advocate, this is content specific to that. These are the nuts and bolts that you need to set up your own advocacy business. Welcome & Getting StartedSetting your Adv

$ 79
Don't IEP Alone Advocacy Strategy
Lisa LightnerLisa Lightner

Don't IEP Alone Advocacy Strategy

✨ Isn’t it time to start rocking your IEP routine? ✨ Master the IEP process AND get a path to "YES!" faster using my simple 4 Step Process.The truth is that having an implementable, strategic, action

$ 149