Becoming a Professional Special Education Advocate


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Becoming a Professional Special Education Advocate

About Course

If you are a working or volunteer advocate, this is content specific to that. 

These are the nuts and bolts that you need to set up your own advocacy business. 

  • Welcome & Getting Started
  • Setting your Advocacy Prices
  • Onboarding New Clients
  • Record Review Worksheets
  • Filing Complaints
  • Client Letter Templates
  • Advertising your Business
  • Time Management
  • Burnout
  • Talking about Money
  • Difficult Clients
  • Difficult IEP Teams
  • Intangibles
  • Are you ready to be open for business?
  • Should you work for free?

New content is added often and you will have access. Live chats are not included in this program, they are only available in the full $297 program. Email us for details.

Course content

videoWelcome Start
videoGetting Started Start
videoBecome an IEP Advocate Guide PDF Start
videoSetting your Advocacy Prices Start
videoContracts PDF Start
videoAdvertising your Business Start
videoFinding Clients PDF Start
videoTime Management and Burnout Start
videoTalking about Money Start
videoMoney Talks PDF Start
videoOpen for Business? Start
videoOpen for Business PDF Start
videoShould you work for free? Start
videoOnboarding New Clients Start
videoRecord Review Worksheets Start
videoDon't IEP Alone Worksheets PDF Start
videoDifficult Clients and Teams Start
videoDifficult Clients PDF Start
videoIntangibles Start
Lisa Lightner

Lisa Lightner

Course Instructor