Don't IEP Alone Advocacy Strategy


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Don't IEP Alone Advocacy Strategy

About Course

✨ Isn’t it time to start rocking your IEP routine? ✨

Master the IEP process AND get a path to "YES!" faster using my simple 4 Step Process.

The truth is that having an implementable, strategic, action plan will help you feel happier, more comfortable, more relaxed, and more in control.

And will free up precious time and energy that you can spend on all those things you really WANT to do.

Imagine having an Action Plan that works for every IEP Concern that comes up.

  • An Action Plan to use for every IEP concern that comes up.
  • A Lifetime of Advocacy Skills and Support Network for the same price as hiring an advocate for a few hours.
  • A clear understanding of the IEP process and your role and power in that decision-making process.
  • How to have consistent, effective communication with your IEP team.
  • You'd know how to determine what your child needs, if you have the data to support it, and how to confidently ask for it.
  • Develop better IEP habits and systems using a proven technique and system.
  • Feel more ORGANIZED and IN CONTROL of your IEP Process.

Here is what is included in Don't IEP Alone Academy

  • The 4-Step Transformation: How to develop your IEP strategy. Value $17
  • Data and Documentation. Understand why a solid paper trail is so important to the IEP process and how to do a thorough record review. Value $97
  • 20-minute in-depth video tutorial with further explanation on gathering data. Explanation of companion documents and worksheets for participants. Value $97
  • Define what a FAPE is, understand the 6 principles of special education, plus know what you can ask for, for your child and if you have the data to support it. Value $97
  • How to effectively get to work communicating your ASK to your IEP team: putting all your data and concerns into official documentation. Value $97
  • Understand the PWN and why it needs to be paired with a solid letter(s). .. it's a path to YES for your IEP team. Value $97
  • The School's actions (not ours). What to do when waiting for the school's response; how to not delay any additional evaluations; and, what to do AFTER the IEP meeting. Also, discover what are the procedural differences between a full new IEP vs. changes and revisions. Value $117
  • Dispute Resolution. Learn all about the various dispute resolution options and how to access them. Value $117
  • IEP Complaint options. Learn the various IEP complaint options, how to access them, and how to bring them forward to your school. Value $117

Please note, these are pre-recorded sessions so you can work at your own pace. Live training and Live Q&A sessions are not included.

If you wish to also purchase the lifetime live-chat option, please email us at Registration for that is open 3x a year.

Course content

videoWelcome and Introduction Start
videoDon't IEP Alone PDF's Start
videoStep 1: Organize 2023 Recording Start
videoSection 1: Organize Start
videoSection 1: Video Tutorial for Organization Documents Start
videoOrganize PDFs Start
videoSection 2: Define | What is FAPE Start
videoDefine PDF Start
videoSection 3A: Communication 2023 Start
videoSection 3A: Communicate Start
videoCommunication PDF Start
videoSection 3B: PWN Start
videoSection 4A: Action 2023 Start
videoSection 4A: Action Start
videoFollow Up PDF Start
videoSection 4B: Dispute Resolution 2023 Start
videoSection 4B: Dispute Resolution Start
videoStep 4: Follow Up PDFs Start
videoSection 4C: Complaint Options 2023 Start
videoSection 4C: Complaint Options Start
videoStep 4 Follow Up PDFs Start
Lisa Lightner

Lisa Lightner

Course Instructor